I’ve been pursuing a dream for several years now.  And recent events have made me think that maybe that dream I’ve been pursuing has a reason why it isn’t for me, at least right now.

Some people told my Mom that the reason why I can’t have my dream is because my Dad won’t allow me to.

See, my Dad has been gone for 6 years now.  He died of hemorrhagic stroke.  Hearing that comment made me think of the universe and a much greater power that prevent me from making my dream come true.

For years that is what I’ve been thinking.

Until recently, I’ve realized something.

My Dad is not the cause why I can’t have my dream.  He’s even SUPPORTING me even though he’s been gone a long time.  The pension he left my Mom has been a great help for me to have my dreams come true.  My Mom has been using that to finance my dream.  Even if he’s gone, he still continues to help us.  Why wouldn’t he want to have my dream come true?  He’s been there for me all this time.  He’s still that kind soul who SUPPORTS us all the way.

I’m SO LUCKY and BLESSED to have parents like them.  Both of them are exceptional individuals.

And to my Dad, THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!